How To Dispose of Car Batteries Properly
Car batteries play a critical role in modern vehicles and, like any other component of your car, they will eventually reach their end of life. In this car battery disposal article, we will explore the different components that make up a car battery, how long they typically last, and what you can do when looking to dispose of one.
Getting to Know Your Car Battery
Car batteries serve as the powerhouse of your car, and they are also one of the most important components. They are responsible for providing electric power to the engine, lights, air conditioning, and other accessories.
The Elements That Go Into a Car Battery
Car batteries aren’t your typical double-A – they’re specifically built to power a vehicle’s electric components on a long term basis. The basic construction of a car battery consists of several cells, each made up of positive and negative plates, separators, an electrolyte solution, and an outer case. Your average car battery can contain a number of different metals, such as lead, calcium, and aluminum.
How Long Do Car Batteries Typically Last?
The answer to this question will depend largely on your individual car, driving habits and climate. Generally speaking, a car battery can last between three and five years. However, if you’re driving in extremely cold or hot temperatures it may need to be replaced more frequently.
How Do You Know When It’s Time For Car Battery Disposal?
When it comes to car batteries, knowing when it’s time to change them can be a tricky business. If you’re not sure whether your car battery needs replacing, there are a few signs you can look out for.
The most obvious is that the battery isn’t able to hold a charge. If you find that your car has difficulty starting, or takes longer than usual to start up, then it’s likely time to change the battery.
Another warning sign is if your car battery is leaking or corroding. This can be caused by overcharging or extreme temperatures, and indicates that your battery is no longer working to its full capacity.
Can I Throw My Car Battery In the Trash?
No! Car batteries contain toxic materials such as lead and sulfuric acid, and must be disposed of properly. Failing to do so can be dangerous for the environment and people’s health.
The good news is that many local garages and auto parts stores accept used car batteries and dispose of them in a safe and responsible way. Some recyclers also recycle car batteries for their metal components – such as lead, zinc, and copper – in exchange for cash.
Franklin Metals
When life gives you a dead car battery, make a phone call to Franklin Metals. With state-of-the-art recycling and disposal practices, we’re a responsible solution for car battery disposal. Check out our website to learn more!